Schedule overview
Schedule overview
In the schedule overview you can view scheduled (planned) hours and actual hours, as well as the difference between the two. This is shown as a monthly overview or day by day.
Current month is displayed – use arrows to navigate to previous or upcoming month.
Placement for the schedule is displayed. Possible selection of multiple placements, if any. Start date and stop date (if any) for the placement is displayed.
Click Show all in the monthly overview to display information about the schedule for the selected month. Click Show less to close.
Planned hours: Displays registered hours for the selected month.
Actual hours: Displays actual hours for the selected month.
Difference: Displays difference between actual hours and planned hours. Only displayed after end of the month.
Undecided hours, day: Displays undecided hours for daytime.
Undecided hours, night: Displays undecided hours for nighttime.
Undecided hours, day and night, might be hidden according to specific configuration.
Hours per day displays planned and actual hours per day for the selected month, as well as the difference. Negative difference means that number of actual hours is less than number of planned hours.
In case of shared custody, there is an indication about which guardian has registered the schedule.